
The Fisdap Blog

Fisdap Student Tutorial: How do I upgrade my account?

by  Fisdap     Jun 10, 2020

If you are switching schools or progressing from EMT to Paramedic, you will likely need to create a new account. Check with your instructor and see the instructions for creating a new fisdap account.

If you would like to add new products or additional test attempts to your existing Fisdap account, you can do so from the Upgrade page.

  1. Go to the home page and click Member Log In.
  2. Enter your username and password to login.
  3. Click the orange Account tab, then click Upgrade.

From here, you have two options: you can either choose products on your own, or you can enter an activation code provided by your instructor.

Choose products

If you don't have an activation code, you can choose from the Products Available for Upgrade section.

  1. Check the boxes next to the products you want.
  2. Click Continue to checkout.
  3. Enter your billing information and click Upgrade account.

Use activation code

If your instructor has given you a code, they have already chosen products for you. Entering the code is a shortcut to selecting those in the interface.

  1. Click Use activation code.
  2. Enter your code, and click Apply. The products your instructor has chosen for you will appear below.
  3. If your program has prepaid for your code, you don't need to do anything else - just click Upgrade account.
  4. If your program has not prepaid for your code, click Continue to checkout.
  5. Enter your billing information and click Upgrade account.

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Fisdap Student Tutorial: How do I upgrade my account?

by  Fisdap     Jun 10, 2020

If you are switching schools or progressing from EMT to Paramedic, you will likely need to create a new account. Check with your instructor and see the instructions for creating a new fisdap account.

If you would like to add new products or additional test attempts to your existing Fisdap account, you can do so from the Upgrade page.

  1. Go to the home page and click Member Log In.
  2. Enter your username and password to login.
  3. Click the orange Account tab, then click Upgrade.

From here, you have two options: you can either choose products on your own, or you can enter an activation code provided by your instructor.

Choose products

If you don't have an activation code, you can choose from the Products Available for Upgrade section.

  1. Check the boxes next to the products you want.
  2. Click Continue to checkout.
  3. Enter your billing information and click Upgrade account.

Use activation code

If your instructor has given you a code, they have already chosen products for you. Entering the code is a shortcut to selecting those in the interface.

  1. Click Use activation code.
  2. Enter your code, and click Apply. The products your instructor has chosen for you will appear below.
  3. If your program has prepaid for your code, you don't need to do anything else - just click Upgrade account.
  4. If your program has not prepaid for your code, click Continue to checkout.
  5. Enter your billing information and click Upgrade account.
