
The Fisdap Blog

Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: Why aren't my students getting credit for their skills?

by  Fisdap     Jul 21, 2020

To figure out why students may be getting credit for observing Team Leads rather than performing them, use the Observed Team Lead Report.

  1. Go to the orange Reports tab.
  2. Click on the Workbench link.
  3. Find and click on Observed Team Lead Report.
  4. Choose the date range, desired format, and student name. Then click Display Report.

The Observed Team Lead Report can also be a great resource when students are concerned about why they aren't getting credit for performing the team lead.

Many programs, especially if they are using the National Standard Curriculum goals as a guide, require students to perform the patient exam and the patient interview (collectively known as the comprehensive assessment) to get credit for performing the Team Lead. This report identifies shifts where students did not perform the Team Lead, patient exam, and/or patient interview.

If students are not getting credit for performing the team lead, it may be because they indicated they observed the patient exam and/or interview--and not entered suggests they skipped that section of data entry.

If students wish to correct their data entry because something was recorded improperly, you will need to open the shift if it has been locked.

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Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: Why aren't my students getting credit for their skills?

by  Fisdap     Jul 21, 2020

To figure out why students may be getting credit for observing Team Leads rather than performing them, use the Observed Team Lead Report.

  1. Go to the orange Reports tab.
  2. Click on the Workbench link.
  3. Find and click on Observed Team Lead Report.
  4. Choose the date range, desired format, and student name. Then click Display Report.

The Observed Team Lead Report can also be a great resource when students are concerned about why they aren't getting credit for performing the team lead.

Many programs, especially if they are using the National Standard Curriculum goals as a guide, require students to perform the patient exam and the patient interview (collectively known as the comprehensive assessment) to get credit for performing the Team Lead. This report identifies shifts where students did not perform the Team Lead, patient exam, and/or patient interview.

If students are not getting credit for performing the team lead, it may be because they indicated they observed the patient exam and/or interview--and not entered suggests they skipped that section of data entry.

If students wish to correct their data entry because something was recorded improperly, you will need to open the shift if it has been locked.
