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Erratum – PEPP, Fourth Edition Provider Manual

by  Public Safety Group     Sep 3, 2020
The following is a correction to the the Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP), Fourth Edition Provider Manual.

In your copy of the PEPP, Fourth Edition Provider Manual, please make the following correction to the epinephrine concentration found in Chapter 4: Shock.

Page 88, column one, paragraph five, sentence three currently states, “For all children with allergic reactions associated with wheezing, administer epinephrine, 0.01 mg/kg (0.01 mL/kg) of 1 g/mL concentration (maximum, 0.3 mg or 0.3 mL) intramuscularly (IM).

Please change the sentence to state, “For all children with allergic reactions associated with wheezing, administer epinephrine, 0.01 mg/kg (0.01 mL/kg) of 1 mg/mL concentration (maximum, 0.3 mg or 0.3 mL) intramuscularly (IM).”

We apologize for the inconvenience and are taking steps to correct this going forward.

American Academy of Pediatrics
Department of Global Child Health & Life Support Initiatives

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Erratum – PEPP, Fourth Edition Provider Manual

by  Public Safety Group     Sep 3, 2020
The following is a correction to the the Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP), Fourth Edition Provider Manual.

In your copy of the PEPP, Fourth Edition Provider Manual, please make the following correction to the epinephrine concentration found in Chapter 4: Shock.

Page 88, column one, paragraph five, sentence three currently states, “For all children with allergic reactions associated with wheezing, administer epinephrine, 0.01 mg/kg (0.01 mL/kg) of 1 g/mL concentration (maximum, 0.3 mg or 0.3 mL) intramuscularly (IM).

Please change the sentence to state, “For all children with allergic reactions associated with wheezing, administer epinephrine, 0.01 mg/kg (0.01 mL/kg) of 1 mg/mL concentration (maximum, 0.3 mg or 0.3 mL) intramuscularly (IM).”

We apologize for the inconvenience and are taking steps to correct this going forward.

American Academy of Pediatrics
Department of Global Child Health & Life Support Initiatives
